
on Road

This Hackathon is a opportunity for young School and College Students/Children to share their innovative concepts and make things safer on roads. Selected ideas will be given incubation support.

Participate Now

Deadline : Submit the Idea/Solution till 15th October
(Teams shortlisting after Round 1)

ROUND 2 : OFFLINE (31st October Onwards)
Presentation of shortlisted Teams at DTU Campus

All Important Links

Character-On-Road Hackathon

Children of today are the future generation. The values systems that we ingrain in them today form their behaviour tomorrow. With 40% of our population lesser than 25 years in age, there will be a big load on the roads in next few years. This growth in population will witness more road usage and more opportunities of on road misbehaviour. Honking of horn, teasing of women drivers, wrong overtaking, over speeding, misbehave with passengers, bullying the weaker ones on roa, littering of roads, spitting gutkha pan etc. are some of the incidents where we believe that as a society we express our conduct.

Compare the above scenario with your On road drive in the US or any developed country. People are rushing to reach their offices. Yet, there are no excessive honking, overtaking, irrational speeds, wrong side driving. There is a complete order and everyone obeys the rules and protocol. All in all, the behaviour on Road expresses ones character.

With the young Indians exposed to Atal tinkering labs and getting an early exposure to technology, the hackathon - Character-On-Road is an opportunity to give shape to their imagination and thoughts in which the school students can participate (individually or in teams up to 5 members).

How it works

Participants / Students

We believe that you are interested in the concept "Character-on-road" and wish to know more about it.

Kindly find below a brief summary of the concept and how you can benefit from it:

  • Character-On-Road Hackathon is an opportunity where you can start converting your hobby into a social innovation.
  • Your technology enabled concepts, after your submission on the site, shall be evaluated by a panel comprising experts from a pool of technology experts, road-safety experts.
  • Shortlisted individuals/teams shall be called for a final presentation to DTU campus for a presentation and a chit-chat with experts.
  • The selected projects will put forth for seeking expert guidance and pre-incubation support to the concerned bodies.

What You Gain

"Your innovative concept could make you a successful entrepreneur even before you move out of your teenage"

About Us

My Friend My Guide, is an initiative to create opportunities of learning. Our spectrum of services offers learning modules to students (School and College), Corporates and Housewives. Character-On-Road Hackathon is one such initiative wherein we aim to integrate creativity of children and their technical bent of mind for a practical social cause, which could create a young bunch of entrepreneurs. As part of the DTU Innovation and Incubation Foundation, participants get an opportunity to showcase their ideas, concepts and models to the TECHNOLOGY THINK TANK. Selected models/concepts shall be taken up for incubation and launch.

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